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Is Biting And Scratching Normal Sex?

Table of Contents
  • Whenever my girlfriend and I have sex, I end up with a back full of scratches, and a few very obvious bites around the shoulders. Is biting and scratching a normal part of the body language of sex? What does it mean?

No one can set any standards for what is and isn’t normal in sexual relations. The only guideline most people agree on is that anything is acceptable if you and your partner both enjoy it and it hurts neither of you—nor anyone else.

Scratching can be a sign of the intensity of your lovemaking or the expression of a sadistic impulse. But almost all men respond to being scratched by their sexual partner and interpret it positively. To them, it’s a signal that they’re turning a woman on, that they are doing all the right things. Many women are very negative about being scratched during sex, but a few welcome it as a sign of healthy masculine aggression. It turns them on, too.

Like all body language messages, this tactile one may mean many things, but most people see it as a positive— and powerful—release of sexual energy.

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