to start the adventure

I Enjoy Sex With Bill So Much That I'd Like Him to Know it

Table of Contents
  • Bill and I have only been married a year, but the two of us just aren’t able to talk about sex. It’s not that we’re shy with each other physically—it’s just difficult for us to discuss what we do. Still, I enjoy sex with Bill so much that I’d like him to know it. Is there some way I can tell him this in body language? How can I signal that I enjoy the way he makes love, or that I want intercourse again?

A smile is a time-tested method of communication. Your own look of happiness is going to tell Bill how good it’s been. You can hug him closely, sigh with pleasure, and let out any sounds of enjoyment that come naturally.

To most people, it’s a terrific turn-on when their sex partner cries out, groans, or sighs during the sexual act.

Even without words, the vocal message indicates enjoyment beyond control.

Best of all, if you feel the enjoyment of sex with your body, let that feeling communicate itself; return his love by caressing him.

I think you are worrying needlessly. If you genuinely enjoy Bill’s lovemaking, your body will—without your telling it—convey a message of satisfaction and love to
your husband in a hundred different ways. What you seem to be going through is the delighted discovery many young wives make that sex can be one of the most exciting and delightful parts of marriage. This realization always seems to come as a shock if sex before marriage has been disappointing or nonexistent.

As for wanting intercourse again, the simplest signal is for you to initiate foreplay yourself. Start making love to Bill again when you’re ready for it.

take a chance !